(2022-2023 Spring Semester)

Students learn economic principles as they deal with economic models, the stock market, banking, fiscal policy, economic theorists, and more from a Biblical perspective. Each chapter contains information about personal finances and encourages a biblical view of stewardship. Students are encouraged to think critically about economic issues.

Required text: Economics Grade 12 Student Text (3rd Edition)

On Campus: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Business Math and Personal Finance

This course will equip students with the tools they’ll need to become good stewards of the financial resource God has given them. Student will learn to prepare a budget, balance a checkbook, use credit responsibly, and calculate a tithe. This is a great course for any student interested in the business field or who wishes to be an entrepreneur. 

Required Text: Landmark’s Freedom Business Math, Business Math, Grade 12

  On Campus: Tuesdays and Thursdays