Online Classes
Junior High
High School
1st Grade
- Language Arts
- Saxon Math
2nd grade
- Language Arts
- Saxon Math
3rd Grade
- Language Arts
- Saxon Math
4th Grade
- Language Arts
- Saxon Math
5th Grade
- English
- Saxon Math
6th Grade
- English
- Saxon Math
Classes are taught live by certified teachers and meet either Tuesdays and Thursdays or Mondays and Wednesdays. Class cost is $650 a year for 8 months. Homework and Grades are posted online so parents can monitor the student’s progress.
Elementary Online Classes
Elementary Math Online
Saxon Math 3
Children will skip count by whole numbers; compare and order numbers; identify place value; identify ordinal position to twentieth; identity and complete patterns; master all basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts; add and subtract multidigit numbers; multiply a multidigit number by a single-digit number; divide by single-digit divisors and more.
Assignments distributed weekly for use at home throughout the week. Grades and assignment kept online. One online meeting a week for 45 minutes.
Saxon Math 5/4
Through live interactive online classes, students improve their computation skills and learn to solve word problems, arithmetic algorithms, geometry and measurement, elapsed time, fractions, decimals, percent, negative numbers, powers and roots, estimation, patterns and sequences, and statistics and probability.
Assignments distributed weekly for use at home throughout the week. Grades and assignment kept online. One online meeting a week for 45 minutes.
Saxon Math 6/5
Students move their math skills forward as they learn more geometry and measurement, order of operations, integers, powers and roots, divisibiity concepts, prime and composite numbers, ratios, patterns and sequences, and expand their learning of statistics and probability.
Saxon Math 7/6
Students practice word problems, learn functions and coordinate graphing, integers, exponential expressions, divisibility concepts, prime fractorization, ratios and proportions, radius, circumference, and pi. This curriculum also includes complementary and supplementary angles and as well as other topics.
Student meet online twice a week
Elementary Language Arts and Shurley English Online
Language Arts 2
Language Skills
Scholastic Discussions & Responses
Assignments distributed weekly for use at home throughout the week. One online meeting a week for 45 minutes.
English 6
The class combines writing, literature and grammar. The Shurley English curriculum will be use for grammar providing a logical, sequential, and systematic to learn grammar skills, writing, and reading. Class meets twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Junior High and High School Online Classes
Junior High and High School Electives
Spanish Conversations
ACT Prep
Junior High Math Online
Junior High and High School Technology
This course takes a wide lens on computer science by laying a problem solving skills, and then covering topics such as programming, physical computer, HTML/CSS, and data. Students will build their own websites, apps, games, and program physical computing devices. Students will get a good feel for what it means to code and these introductory skills will empower students to start coding on their own.
Intro to Technology
Website Design and Blogging, Google Docs and Word, Google Sheets and Excel, Google Slides and Powerpoint, and Drawing, Charting, and Mapping. Students will glean from the technology exercises and projects in this class. This is a live online class that meets twice a week.